Saturday, May 22, 2010

Carp Recruiting

Hello, Cruelfin here,

I have recently been recruiting new and deadly allies to my cause- FISH! well not murlocs but, well, carp. Yes, carp, you may think these fish are just innocent river fish but MY variety are evil, conniving, (if fish can connive) blood-sucking, monsters! They are trained to chase and eat anything they can see even if it is three feet away from the water like draenei-or my murloc slaves. That is the one pitfall of my plan, the carp are eating my murloc slaves faster then King Mrgl-Mrgl pushes our young into the deep sea crevice! However when I told murlocs with packs of carp behind them that there is a safe area near the dranai outpost it was a blue flesh eating success. Now if only that lich emperor or whatever his name is would give me some winged skeletal carp...


  1. Anonymous said...


  2. Anonymous said...

    I have some cool , real cool cold cod
    they are so cool that they can freeze the water around them self in a shish or two. this wiw stop any thing around them in a patch of iceat present i'm thinking of renting the whole class of new or should i say the whole schoolof cool cod to B P to help stop the oil problem they can swim to problem area and in a swish freeze the leaking oil and stop the problem. they have in the past worked with the U S Navy to stop outlaw subs tring to enter restrictid waters. just a shish and the cool cod freeze the area solid.
    might be good for off setting the world warming problem.if intrester call COOL COLD COD at FISH TALES DELAND thanks for your intrest KING COOL COD