Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mission: Draenai Watch

Reconnaissance Log

May 15, 2009

Message received from one Cruelfin of Bloodmyst, Kalimdor. His army is under attack from Dreanai and needs assistance.

May 16, 2009

Special Agents are sent out to do some reconnaissance and discover just how large a threat these 'Dreanai' are or if this 'Cruelfin' is crying wolf for no apparent reason.

May 28, 2009

Special Agents report heavy Dreanai activity in the area of Blacksilt Shore which is on the southwest side of Bloodmyst Island. The area is remote. The local Murlocs have little protection. The area can be reached by sea and air only. Dispatch low power teams (lvl 20) to Blacksilt Shore and the surrounding area

fig 1
Eliminate all enemy resistance (fig 1)

Enemy: Tall.
Shades of Blue
Hooved feet

Mode of Travel:

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dear cousin Cruelfin:

Why must you always try and pawn off all your problems on others. I believe your constant harassment from the DRAENAI is a direct result of your overly aggressive disposition. If you would focus more on the constructive aspects of your existence and less on your problems you find your goals closer at hand.

As for your goal of world domination, although admirable, do you have a plan of action to achieve your ends....Hmmm. In this new world of Magic and Technology the word has become more powerful than the sword and the economic megalith is the new key to world domination.

It is my plan to monopolize the world fish market with my bio-engineered DEVIATE FISH. As we all know no one can not survive without quality fish. My new strain of Deviate fish will travel the worlds seas and hunt all other fish species into extinction.

MWAH HA HA HA ha ha.

Once this has been accomplished I will be the only supplier of fish in the world and in affect will have achieved world domination.

he he ha ha MWAH HA HA HA..........................................................................

Dare I say it, the true genius to my plan is that my fish will take over slowly and no one will notice at first. In fact by the time any one figures out my scheme it will already be to late much like "microsoft"only less hackable.


Argile Siltfin

You're Not So Tough!

Who got you this time? A level 2 Draenai? I'm not afraid of you and your pot!

Baby Murloc

Joke of the Day

Q: What's big, red. and prickly, with a bad disposition?

A: Cruelfin

baby murloc fin soup

NO! wait baby murloc fin soup is the most delicous dish in azeroth... come here and jump in this pot

posted by Cruelfin

Friday, May 15, 2009

Have you seen my parents?


Hi Cruelfin. Have you seen my parents? When I was really small, some Witch Doctor threw me in a cage and took me very far away. I've been trying to get back ever since! Here's my baby picture. Could your army help me find my Mommy?


Hi, I'm Cruelfin. Most people know me from killing me innumerable times on the coast of Bloodmyst Isle for a quest but why? For a few XP? Go kill my cousins in Ellwynn, please! And leave me alone! So I can build up my invincible Murloc Army and rule everything!
The spawn rate's fast enough anyways and we're amphibious, so we can swim across the ocean. BUT YOU DARN DRAENAI KEEP KILLING ME!!!