Friday, May 22, 2009

Dear cousin Cruelfin:

Why must you always try and pawn off all your problems on others. I believe your constant harassment from the DRAENAI is a direct result of your overly aggressive disposition. If you would focus more on the constructive aspects of your existence and less on your problems you find your goals closer at hand.

As for your goal of world domination, although admirable, do you have a plan of action to achieve your ends....Hmmm. In this new world of Magic and Technology the word has become more powerful than the sword and the economic megalith is the new key to world domination.

It is my plan to monopolize the world fish market with my bio-engineered DEVIATE FISH. As we all know no one can not survive without quality fish. My new strain of Deviate fish will travel the worlds seas and hunt all other fish species into extinction.

MWAH HA HA HA ha ha.

Once this has been accomplished I will be the only supplier of fish in the world and in affect will have achieved world domination.

he he ha ha MWAH HA HA HA..........................................................................

Dare I say it, the true genius to my plan is that my fish will take over slowly and no one will notice at first. In fact by the time any one figures out my scheme it will already be to late much like "microsoft"only less hackable.


Argile Siltfin


  1. John said...

    I really shouldn't laugh but I can't help it.

  2. jugglingpaynes said...

    LOL! I love you guys!

  3. PiratesofPaynzance said...

    haha funny (unfortunately your plan wont work on me I hate fish they taste nothing like chicken)by the way what the heck is a Draenai?

    always plundering
