Tuesday, August 4, 2009

CRUELFIN! Yer a Grumpy Murloc!!


Baby Murloc here and Mr. King of the Puddle, ol' Chicken of the Sea, Cruelfin there, hasn't been able to put me in his ol' pot yet. Nah Nah!! =P

I keep thinking that what Mr. Grumpy needs is to lighten up a bit. It seems he has a lot a stress in his life with all his 'Gonna take over the World stuff' or was that Argile Siltfin who wanted to take over the world... Either way, researchers say it is good to laugh and not take yourself so seriously.

So since I care so much for my fellow Murlocs' well-being, I'm going to suggest they go check out some of the accomplishments of other Murlocs like Murk over at Camo Brakil. Click here to go see what Murk is up to and maybe you could even help him for awhile?

If you like more advanced adventures, click here and help Murk in Stranglethorn Fever. In this Murloc game, you get to select which class you would like to be: Warrior, Rogue, Priest, or Mage.

Either way, kick back, relax, and enjoy a few minutes of free online Murloc fun.